Goodreads (May) Monthly Challenge- SciFi Fantasy Update
Sci Fi Fantasy- May Monthly Reading Challenge on Goodreads, Aussie Readers Group.I joined the May Monthly Challenge with the Aussie Readers group on Goodreads. The challenge was to read science fiction and fantasy titles during this month in celebration of The Aurealis Awards presented by HarperVoyager - Gala Awards Ceremony - 21 May 2011.See my initial post HERE where i pledged to read at least one title: Secret Ones by Australian author Nicole Murphy.I actually ended up reading 3 scifi/ fantasy titles this month:
Click on the covers to go to Goodreads.Click HERE to go to my review of Secret OnesClick HERE to go to my review of Dead in the FamilyComing up: review of Acadia: The Lost King and the Goddess of Time by Ali Naqvi
What SciFi fantasy novels did you read this month??