Goodreads (May) Monthly Challenge- SciFi Fantasy Theme
Sci Fi Fantasy- May Monthly Reading Challenge on Goodreads, Aussie Readers Group.I have joined the May Monthly Challenge with the Aussie Readers group on Goodreads. The challenge is to read science fiction and fantasy titles during this month in celebration of The Aurealis Awards presented by HarperVoyager - Gala Awards Ceremony - 21 May 2011.The Aurealis Awards, are for works of speculative fiction written by an Australian citizen, or permanent resident, and published for the first time between 1 November 2009 and 31 December 2010.
I tend to read quite a lot of fantasy novels so this shouldn't be too much of a 'challenge' for me. However, I don't read much science fiction so I thought this month is a good opportunity to expand my reading repertoire!I recently picked up Secret Ones and Power Unbound, scifi novels written by Australian author Nicole Murphy. I haven't heard of this author before but picked these titles up in the local closing down book store sales and thought I would give it a go!Want to join the challenge but don't know what to read? (Here's my plug...) Why not add my new YA fantasy romance novel A Season Of Transformation to your 'to be read' list? It's available for download at Goodreads, Amazon and Lulu.