2012 Challenge Summary
It's the last day of 2012 and I've been pondering over the number of books i've read and reviewed over the past twelve months. I'm pleased to have completed the four challenges I signed up for this year.The Aussie Author Challenge 2012 is hosted by Booklover Book Reviews My Pledge: To reach Dinky Di level and read 12 books by at least 6 different authors.Progress: COMPLETE! I have read well over 100 books by Aussie authors during 2012. My reviews are here.Australian Women Writers Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2012
My pledge: To read and review and review at least 10 books by Australian women writer’s across more than one genre.Progress: COMPLETE!I read 71 books by Australian Women during 2012. To browse the titles I have reviewed click here.I intend to sign up for the 2013 challenge and read plenty more books by Australian authors.The Eclectic Reader’s Challenge 2012 hosted by Book’d Out
My pledge: To read at least one title in each of the 12 genres.Progress: COMPLETE! I managed to squeeze in a classic and horror novel during December to finish off the challenge. For a full list of books read for the Eclectic Reader Challenge, see my original pledge (now updated with links).2012 Reading ChallengeI almost read 200 books!