Procrastinators Anonymous- Join the club!
I have just finished reading this fantastic article on procrastination by Jean at the self-styled life. And yes, of course I was in a procrastinating mood when I read it otherwise I would have been writing a post for my blog which I normally do on Friday evenings (but didn’t!) or I would have been getting started on drafting a sequel to my newly released YA novel. Just now, I sat down at my laptop and decided, yes I will write up a book review. But when I logged onto the internet, I realised there were still tabs open from the web pages I was browsing last night. So once again, I found myself reading an article about procrastination whilst of course I was procrastinating.Then I thought, okay that’s enough, I really need to keep reading an eBook that I have to review for an upcoming book blog tour. And since I am yet to own an e-reader the Kindle on PC is the closest I have at the moment- but it is so darn distracting! I’m just one click away from my blog, the internet, my email, ooh a freshly pressed article on Wordpress or a free banner website where I have been trying to get some inspiration to revamp my blog after I received some constructive feedback from Novel Publicity’s blog evaluation service. This is exactly why, i prefer to receive paperbacks than eBooks because it means I am away from my desk and the internet and i can't be distracted (much).Just when I got back to reading the eBook (which I am really enjoying by the way!) I thought, hmm a cup of tea would be nice. Whether I am reading, writing or blogging there always seems to be this underlying discomfort that there is something else I should be doing first. Nothing any more or less important of course. So, instead I write lists of all the things I want to do- write a review, write a post, draft my sequel, somehow figure out how to turn my first novel into a mobi doc so I can upload it on Amazon, read an eBook- I look at my list and think, yes but first I will clean my desk, make a hot beverage, check my email…..To make matters worst, I should really know better. I am a psychologist by day and am well aware of procrastinating habits and know of the strategies to overcome it. But still I get up and make that cup of tea before I settle down at my desk.
After being inspired by Jean to come out and talk about my problem I introduced myself on her blog as ‘hi my name is Jayne and I am a procrastinator’- just as she did. It got me thinking, is procrastination a serious problem? Writers and authors talk about it being a problem all the time! Although I thankfully do not suffer from the other ‘P’ dilemma (perfectionism) and sometimes this serves me well as I don’t stress about getting things perfect, but sometimes it’s not helpful because after 10 drafts of a novel I think, oh well that’s enough. When really I could do a couple more.So what better way to tackle procrastination, than to write about it? At least now I can tick off ‘write a post’ from my list and feel like I have accomplished something today! Even if it is 24 hours late. Now that I am on a roll I think I will keep on reading this eBook so I can get started on that review.But first I’ll make a cup of tea. Then maybe I will look for some nice pictures for this post….Are you a procrastinator? Does it serve you well or does it get you in strife? Share your thoughts here…